Botox Treatment for Migraines in Ottawa

Botox for Migraines
Botox for migraine is injected around pain fibres that are involved in headaches. Botox enters the nerve endings around where it is injected and blocks the release of chemicals involved in pain transmission. This prevents activation of pain networks in the brain.
Botox prevents migraine headaches before they start, but takes time to work.
Our Botox procedures for migraine are carefully performed by one of our medical doctors.
Start Your Journey Towards A Pure You
Treatment times that work with your schedule. Call us today to book an appointment.
What to Expect
Patients will usually see increasing benefit with an increase in the number of treatment cycles. One treatment lasts for 10-12 weeks, and usually after two Botox treatments the number of headaches is reduced.
Many private insurance companies cover the cost of medical Botox for migraine. Please talk to your insurance provider for more information.